Welp, we're late but here are our impressions of the Vita. We cover everything from the system itself to all the games we collectivly played. Enjoy! (And i'll be sure to post when we get back on iTunes).
Download: Mediafire
The Obtaining
The Hardware
The OS
The Games
* Little Deviants
* Touch My Katamari
* Hot Shots Golf
* Ridge Racer
* Army Corps of Hell
* Sumioni
* Gravity Rush
* Uncharted: Golden Abyss
Good job guys
I've had my 3g import vita since Dec last year.
It freezes on me at least once a week.
Thankfully now they have the blue light indicator.
Played the Hell out of gravity daze and wipeout.
But my.fav game is hot shots golf.
Once again thanks for the podcast
Guys, Thank you as always for your work BUT I gotta talk about the elephant in the room, my room anyways, if you don't know what I'm talking about go read last episode's comment number 12 but I have a feeling you already have. I'm actually really sad and disappointed that you guys didn't have anything to say about "that" since it ment a lot to me and I've been checking this site everyday since I posted it (yeah I'm talking about the gift/address)
"Having said that" (Gwyn) I thank you for answering to our request for the Vita episode. It just goes to show how the outcast is a gaming podcast for and by gamers and is willing to work with it's fan base to bring what we really want.
I look forward to next podcast's anime section and as someone whom doesn't watch anime I'd like to comment on a few things. First off the only anime I've ever seen entirely is ninja scrolls, and loved it. What always prevented me from seeking out and seeing more anime thou is how in typical anime the animations are so poor. I know many will jump on me for this and don't get me wrong I can get over the poor animations and is willing to get into it thus I'd love to hear some recommendations for a newcomer to the genre such as myself. Preferably a series on Netflix. Please talk about how one might aquire anime w/o illegal download I'm not into that and at the same time I don't want to pay top dollar for anime, is there a middle ground? One thing that is appealing to me about anime is the fact that there are so many episodes, I love series.
Couple of things about da Vita. It simply blew me away! OMG that screen.. It's all about that screen and party chat (which you guys didn't mention). It's what makes it imo. I own most systems and is not a fanboi by anymeans and I must say it puts the 3DS to shame (points and laughs at 3DS). I got the Vita myself on day one here in the states with 6 games and absolutely love everyone of them. I got Mahhvel, Rayman, Wipeout, Blazblue, Katamari and Lumines. I'm surprise you guys didn't enjoy some of these other titles on the system. It is at the moment replacing my consoles because it has party chat, my Xbox buddies got the Vita as well and we spend our gaming hours now on the Vita laughing and having fun in party chat playing cross game or multiplayer.
After hearing your impressions of Uncharted I think I will pick it up. It initially turned me off because it didn't run native and is a little unpolished imo. This plus the fact it disables network so I can't be in party chat (yup. Love that party chat) Also I was under the impression that Gravity Daze is over hyped but after hearing Richard talk about it the way he did I think it will be a day one purchase for me as well. Thanks for the info. Well... I guess that's it. Thank you Outcast, Give us more we want more!! Have a good day gentleman.
Thanks for the cast. I'm not particularly interested in the Vita, but it was still interesting to hear about.
Always enjoy your podcasts, really looking forward to the anime one. Anything about Fate/Zero would be awesome since that's my most antcipated anime at the moment.
As for my Vita experience, I walked into my local JB Hi-Fi (it's like the Radioshack for Australia) on launch day (23rd) and they had a dedicated counter for the gaming section, no line. I had no pre-order or reserve, just asked the guy at the gaming counter what I wanted and all the Vita stuff was shelved right next to him. So no running around the store for anything. I picked up Uncharted and Touch My Katamari (sorry Kyle but every gamer I've spoken to, thinks it's the best title for a game ever and I agree with them). Unfortunately the memory cards only went up to 16GB in PAL territories, but I imported a 32GB from Japan earlier. So problem solved. Gravity Rush sadly was not a launch title in PAL, it's been pushed back to the 14th of June.
You guys said you need to be online to start the system, but actually you don't. Some how by messing with cancel and accept at that initial "Do you want to register your PSN?", it let me skip. I can't remember how I did it, but you don't need to be online. It's just the OS was confusing.
Oh and Richard, there was another special thing at JB Hi-Fi on the 23rd, a little game called "The Last Story" for the Wii, which I picked up alongside my Vita. Wow!!!! OMG!!! What an amazing game. It's beautiful, it's exciting, the battle system is the most original I've seen in a JRPG (the amount of mechanics it has it mind blowing) and I love the romance story. However it's not perfect, the game has serious frame rate issues and the game is WAY too easy. I didn't see my first game over screen until after 12 hours of play.
Also you guys have been way to harsh on Xenoblade, saying "The Last Story is way better". Now I understand people are entitled to their opinions, but Xenoblade in my opinion is the better game. For starters Xenoblade is a much more ogranised and comfortable experience. In Xenoblade you have this amazing log that keeps track of all your side quests. In The Last Story you don't get anything. Also Xenoblade rewards experience for doing just about anything (exploration, achievements), in The Last Story you only get experience for battling monsters. The exploration, music and universe in Xenoblade is more beautiful and interesting then The Last Story. Plus in Xenoblade you can really challenge yourself by fighting far more powerful monsters.
But having said that, The Last Story has the superior storyline and as Richard said once, the story is the thing he values the most. Anyway enough yabbing, I'm off to finish "The Last Story".
P.S. Kyle and Richard, you guys need to force Gywn to play The Last Story. He's really missing out of something special.
Great job guys ! Thank you for the podcast !
@Robert the gamer - I love JB Hi-Fi. the darn place is so cheap that you always end up walking out with SOMETHING even if you didnt mean to. Just out of curiosity, is Fate/Zero coming out officially in Aus? I ask because the BD boxset is being released in the US at Japanese prices which has caused quite a commotion with the fans over there.
@Han - if you liked Ninja Scroll, you may want to look up other works by the same director, Yoshiaki Kawajiri. While these are mostly older works, he always covers similar action-oriented shows and character designs. Check out Wicked City, Demon City Shinjuku, Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust or, more recently, Highlander: The Search for Vengeance (not REvengeance! lol). He also did one of the segments of the Animatrix.
These are all movies or one-shot OVAs, not series, sorry. Since I cant access US netflix from Japan I honestly dont know what you guys have on offer, sorry. Besides which, and correct me if Im wrong, doesnt Netflix usually only have dubbed versions? I'm a subtitle (or raw) all the way kinda guy,sorry!
And despite begging him for it i have been unable to obtain Kyle's address. Nor have I even seen his apartment, come to think of it. Hmmmmmmmmm...........
Hahaha, same here I always walk out with something when I visit JB Hi-Fi.
As for Fate/Zero, there is no Australian release at the moment. But I'm certain that in two years time Fate/Zero we'll get an "affordable" Western release with both a Japanese and English dub. Recently Sentai Filmworks announced they will be releasing the Fate/stay movie, Unlimited Blade Works later this year on Blu-Ray and DVD with an English dub by Bang Zoom. So it's only a matter of time before Fate/Zero get's an affordable Western release.
I should point out to everyone that you can watch Fate/Zero for free, legally on Crunchyroll.com with English subs. But I prefer to marathon anime on TV, that's why I'm waiting for the "afforable" Blu-Ray/DVD.
Well, that's a serious disappointment with Sumioni, but thanks very much for giving it a serious look. Gravity Rush is sounding better and better; I'd been ignoring it, but I guess that was a mistake.
Anyway, nice podcast. Looking forward to the next one.
Hi again. I just want to double dip and request a possible exclusive podcast on Xenoblade Chronicles and The Last Story (Or maybe an addition to another podcast) I miss the exclusive podcast like the first episode where you guys did FF13 and wish there was more like it to games such as XBC and Last Story and future games like 13versus. I realize Richard have talked about them here and there in the past. Now that it's a week away from the US release many of us are getting juiced for these titles. Both are being hailed the best JRPGs of this generation. If I remember correctly Gwyn and Kyle have yet to play these so if yous happen to play them and deem it appropriate, please consider this request seriously. Thanks guys!
The first VS multiplayer shooter for the Vita is out in 2 months and made by the creators of StarCraft Ghost and is 8 Players... What should I play till then.. I have a 3G vita and live in the UK and have no games just tried Demos from JPN psn
I was wondering if you guys had any opinions or advice (as in stay away or buy immediately) on Dragon's Dogma. I think it looks kinda cool, but I thought you might have some more perspective. I know it's drawn comparisons to Monster Hunter, which makes me a bit nervous. The gameplay looks awesome, but I'm worried because I don't usually like games without much story.
Wow, Have you seen the footage of the new steel betalion kinect game? It looks unique...definately not like the original.
Hey guys, I'll second riley's question about Dragon's Dogma (What's Capcom up to? It looks like MH with a plot to me.) and add one about Level 5's odd-looking compilation for the 3DS: Guild 01. Anyone interested in a fantasy rpg, a shoot-em-up, a weapon rental shop, and an airport baggage sim? Richard, aren't you still coming off of that long stretch of Japan-only Suda 51 games on Justin.tv? I think they've got another one ready for you.
new ep please!
Any word on the production of a new episode? I'm sure you guys are swamped with work and life, but if you have a timeline or idea of when you might get together again, we'd love to know. Thanks!
To all the Outcast fans:
I spoke with Richard on Twitter and he told me that the new episode exists and just needs to be edited and posted. Unfortunately, our intrepid podcast hosts are currently swamped with work. So basically, they'll be a new episode once they have the time.
To hold us over, you should follow Rich, Kyle, and Gwyn on Twitter. I'm sure they'll have plenty to say about all the E3 announcements next week!
What initially made this podcast interesting wasn't the gaming content you covered but each of your personal experience as an "Out-Cast" living in Japan.
In response to Him Her, I think it's the combination of hearing about life in Japan along with how gaming relates to that experience which really draws me to the show.
Looking forward to the next 'cast whenever it gets posted. Take your time guys!
I would like to say , your podcast was the one that made me LISTEN to podcast's in the first place. I always felt it had a more personal feel than others!
Like zain said , take your time and post whenever ready. I just wanted to show some support here because i never comment ,but have been a long time listener.
I'm sure there are many more like me waiting for another! Keep up the good work.
So...I realize summers are both hot and busy in Japan, but I've gotta ask: are you guys still planning on releasing podcasts? I ask because I seem to remember something about a 'cast being recorded, but it hasn't materialized.
Don't mean to be pushy, definitely not my intent, just wondering how things are going. I'm really looking forward to future episodes (like the E3 special-HA!); love the Outcast.
I'm with riley, i like the wait because the podcast has never gotten stale, and it only gives me something to look forward to.
Been a fan since i came across episode 5 on a metal gear forum , complete chance! I was hooked the moment you mentioned the ps1 pizza hut demo's!
A few weeks back, Kyle McLain tweet it me that they recorded a podcast a few months back but for some reason they haven't uploaded it yet. Not sure if its time to hit the panic button yet but it's getting close.
I think it's time to panic. What a shame. I loved this podcast.
Richard told me a few days ago via facebook that the podcast was pretty much dead because Gwyn is too busy to keep doing it (I'm assuming the editing takes up the most time). I really am truly sad; I love this podcast.
Best wishes to all three of them in whatever they do next.
Oh man :/ really was my favourite podcast! It's a shame they're too busy too keep it up. Like Riley says good luck in your future endeavours guys, I'll keep checking the page from time to time if you ever do get the chance to post a new episode(or the one that was apparently recorded,but never edited) , totally understand though.
This reminds me of when the official playstation 1 magazine ran its last issue , with that " all good things must come to an end " cover.
It's a shame. All they had to do was talk about games for an hour on skype and post it and people would have been happy. No editing necessary. Was my favorite podcast too. RIP
Well, I'll still check back as long as the page exists. Here's hoping right?
It would be nice to get an official statement from the guys regarding the future of the podcast, even if it's only to announce that there will be no future content.
Agreed, I know it's probably hopeless(if they haven't got time then they haven't got time) but with Eva 3.0 out i would really like to hear some thoughts before it comes out here next year!
Today marks one year since the last time that we heard from the guys. Fare thee well, Outcast, you are sorely missed.
I guess it is farwell. I'll miss the podcast dearly.
Indeed. Can't bring myself to stop checking on the odd occasion though, i feel like maybe i should be backing up all the old shows in case the page gets taken down.
e3 2013 one-off special? doubtful, but it would make for a great show.
If I had some terminal disease, I'd ask for the Make-A-Wish Foundation to get Gwyn, Kyle, and Richard to reunite for an E3 podcast this year.
I, too, would like an E3 podcast. We can dream.
It would be amazing, that's what reminded me to check the site again. Just a crazy idea popped into my head that one of these will just appear one day.
well i have my PS Vita and haven't touch it since hope they will have some good AAA games for it podcast is good can you please submit them here on Podcast Directory thanks
I'll try and get them all downloaded. My connection isn't so great. As for the Vita thing, it's really starting to come into it's own now. Playing mine a lot more nowadays.
Update: I tried uploading to that url for the first few ep's, it said invalid url when i typed the address here. Am i supposed to host and then use say, my dropbox link?
Also it says "To add a new podcast to the directory, simply click the 'Submit A Podcast' link from the main menu-bar. We will review YOUR podcast, and in many cases it will added to the directory within 48 hours." Not so sure putting it up there would be such a great idea considering it isn't really MY podcast.
I think this podcast will restart as soon as the 3DS or Vita or Phones get a new killer app that starts the next gen of handheld gaming. Pokémon / Monster hunter don't count they are the last 2 gens respectively (I consider Gameboy/advanced the same system generation).
While the Xbox one and PS4 have a lot of buzz right now online that will all be over in a number of months and soon they will be forgotten as much as the WiiU.
I think the true next gen will exist in the $150-200 console price range.
360 continued support + PSvitaTV + Phones + 3DS + VITA ... they all have about the same power and beside the phone (which you already have all cost under 200$).
i think the next killer apps will be targeted towards these systems and not the PS4/XBOXone i think the PS4/XBOXone will be forgotten just like the PC has been largely forgotten and just given unfinished development versions digitally sold via XBL/PSN/steam mostly. Support software for PS4/Xboxone will not follow in the years after launch as the market shifts down to the 200$ options as well as phones it will be WiiU all over again.
people are coding new Engines for these lower spec devices all over the world while PS4/Xboxone are just shifting to DX11 PC specs because they need to survive in the portable/lowspec phone world... its obvious what is going to happen. The PC is dead and so soon will be this next batch of high end consoles.
That's interesting post. Very informative. Thanks for sharing...
Hey, came to check in. Was hoping that the podcast had continued and there will be backlog to listen to. I guess it's really gone. Nothing to do but go back and re-listen to the podcast from the beginning.
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